Our Governing Body
The Governing Body are responsible for the strategic direction of our school. They have to make sure that all statutory obligations for pupils and staff are met.
Types of Governors are :
Parent Governors: who are elected by parents and carers of pupils at school.
Staff Governor: who are elected by staff at the school.
Local Authority Governor: who is nominated by North Yorkshire County Council.
Co-Opted Governors: who are invited to become Governors by the Governing Body.
Ex-Officio / Foundation Governor
The Governing Body Chair and members can be contacted through the school office. Correspondence addressed to a member of the Governing Body will be forwarded to the Governor by the school office staff.
Mrs Jenny Aspinall - Chair of Governors Term of Office 26/05/2021 to 25/05/2025
Parent Governor
Designated Governor for History, Design Technology, Safeguarding, Attendance & ECT
Relevant business and pecuniary interests - None
Has attended 7 of 7 meetings this academic year
Attended 6 of 7 meetings 2022-23 academic year
Mrs Jenny Aspinall is one of our Parent Governors. Here is a little bit about her:
I have been a Governor at Bedale Primary School since June 2021. After studying psychology I went on to community roles supporting children, young people, and families. For the past 11 years, I have removed barriers to learning and coordinated education packages for vulnerable children and young people with complex needs and SEN too.
Rev. Simon Moor - Ex-Officio Governor
Designated Governor for Staff Well-being, RE, PSHE
Relevant business and pecuniary interests - None
Has attended 5 of 7 meetings this academic year
attended 4 of 7 meetings this academic year
Bedale Primary school is supported by our Governing Body. Rev. Simon Moor is one of our Foundation Governors.
Here is a little bit about him:
Having arrived in Bedale as Rector of St Gregory’s Church in 2019, I joined the governing body soon after. Having been a parish priest for nearly thirty years and involved in different schools over that time, I previously have experience as a governor in a sixth-form college setting.
Separate from my other involvements in Collective Worship.
Mrs Maxine Birkbeck - Term of Office 17/01/2024 - 16/01/2028
Parent Governor
Designated Governor for SEN, Geography & Computing
Relevant business and pecuniary interests - None
Has attended 2 of 3 meetings this academic year
I am currently the director of a day nursery and have worked within childcare for over 30 years. I have a passion for working with children and ensuring they are given the best start in life to open a world of opportunities. I now have more free time which has allowed me to use this productively and become a parent governor. I have worked closely with the school for over 21 years and I am excited to contribute my knowledge and dedication to the board of governors.
Mrs Lynne Coombs Term of Office 02/02/20242 - 01/02/2028
Foundation governor
Designated Governor for French, Art, English & Pupil Premium
Relevant business and pecuniary interests - None
Has attended 5 of 7 meetings this academic year
Attended 3 of 3 meetings 2022-23 year
I joined the governing body in March 2023 after recently retiring from a long career teaching in primary education. This developed a strong belief that every child deserves the opportunity to achieve their full potential within a safe, caring environment. Now I have more time, I am able to make a contribution to the governing body of Bedale C of E Primary School, pursue many varied interests, and enjoy time with my four grandchildren.
Mrs Elizabeth Turnbull - Headteacher
Has attended 7 of 7 meetings this academic year
Attended 7 of 7 meetings 2022-23 academic year
Mrs Beth Stephenson Term of office 28/09/2022 to 27/08/2026
Staff Governor
Relevant business and pecuniary interests - None
Has attended 5 of 7 meetings this academic year
Attended 6 of 7 meetings 2022-23 academic year
Mrs Samantha Hardy Term of office 31/3/2023 to 28/02/2027
Co-Opted Governor
Designated Governor for Music, Finance, Maths & PE
Relevant business and pecuniary interests - None
Has attended 7 of 7 meetings this academic year
Attended 3 of 3 meetings 2022-23 academic year
After studying law I went on to qualify as a Solicitor and worked in a large law firm until I stepped back from practice after having children. I have since gone on to study bookkeeping and am a newly qualified bookkeeper.
Mr Tony Jowett Term of office 10/04/2024 to 09/04/2028
Local Authority Governor
Designated Governor for Science, Health & Safety & Website
Relevant business and pecuniary interests - None
Has attended 1 of 1 meetings this academic year
Co-opted Governor
Parent Governor
Clerk to Governors - Mrs Sara Pennock
Term Ended/Stepped Down
Mrs Kathleen Allison - Foundation Governor
Stepped down 17th January 2024
Designated Governor for pupil premium, SEN & English
Relevant business and pecuniary interests -
Name of Business M Allison, Nature: Consultant Head Teacher Nature of Interest: Performance Management of Head Teachers
Has attended 3 of 4 meetings 2023-24 academic year
Mr Paul Croft - Parent Governor
Stepped down 17th January 2024
Designated Governor for Sports Premium, PE, Maths & Computing
Relevant business and pecuniary interests
Name of Business: Paul Croft Cricket
Nature of Business: Sports Coach
Nature of Interest Sports coach/Governor at the School
He has attended 4 of 4 meetings 2023-24 academic year
Mr Dave Hall - Local Authority Governor
Stepped down 2nd October 2023
Designated Governor for Health & Safety, DT
Relevant business and pecuniary interests - None
Has attended 3 of 3 meetings 2022-23 academic year
Mrs Rebecca Proctor - Parent Governor
Stepped down 15th April 2023
Mrs Emily Ash- Co-opted Governor
Stepped down 1st March 2023
Mrs Faye Fessey - Staff Governor
Term of office Ended September 2022
Staff Governor
Mr Julian Rendall -
Term of Office 14/07/2021 to 13/07/2025 - Stepped down 22nd June 2022
Local Authority Governor
Relevant business and pecuniary interests - None
Has attended 4 of 6 meetings this year
Mrs Kate Loughlin
Term of office 01/09/19 to 31/08/23 - Stepped down 26th January 2022
Co-opted Governor– Chair of Governors
Mr Robert Smart
Co-Opted Governor - Stepped down September 2021
Term of office 19/11/2020 - 18/11/2024
Governor Responsibilities
SEND Governor - Mrs Maxine Birkbeck
Health & Safety Governor -
Child Protection Governor - Mrs J Aspinall